Life on Standby

"I don't think people are meant to be by themselves, that's why, if you actually find someone you care about... it's important to let go of the little things - even if you can't let go all the way. Because nothing sucks more than feeling all alone... no matter how many people are around you"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

This is getting over you

Don't know what happened to me last night, had a decent night up the club, good rock band. Went to Rockies to meet fat Paul and had a good night in the Lighthouse. We left and went to the chinese and 2 lads were in there making there mouth go... I lost it big style and pummeled one of them.

Think i've damaged the hand I had the operation on because I can't move it...

what is wrong with me?

'today i woke up, younger than i've been in years.
not concerned with what's outside and peers,
i don't have any.
no one is my equal because i'm the king of rain.
controlling with my mood swings, threw a thunderstorm your way
drowning girls is a game i play.

today i woke up, more awake than i have felt in years.
not concerned with anything, no tears,
i'm done with that shit.
no one is your equal because you're the queen of pain.
controlling with my moods, i'm staring at my shoes while running away
drowning myself is a game i play.
drown myself away
drown myself away

and this is getting over you
and this is getting over you
this is getting over you'


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