Life on Standby

"I don't think people are meant to be by themselves, that's why, if you actually find someone you care about... it's important to let go of the little things - even if you can't let go all the way. Because nothing sucks more than feeling all alone... no matter how many people are around you"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

without it all, i'm choking on nothing

Looks like I may be ressurecting my singing career. A local drummer and Bass Player are wanting to start a cover band doing 70's and 80's rock so i'm arranging an audition with them. I've never really had much confidence in my voice even though I get told all teh time I have a good one. Been doing bits of songwriting again, thinking of buying myself some kit again, keyboard, multitrack (or decent soundcard) etc

This was the last song I was working on... it's called 'Prowl' and pretty much sucks...

Been searching for a program that will cover the guitar work for me because I can't play for shit. Not finding anything useable.

I'm doing the wrong thing again and jonesing over a barmaid - always felt that she dig's me, in fact, Stacey used to hate her for that reason, she always reckoned the same but hey, what does that clueless bitch know (other than accusing people of doing stuff to give her life some drama)

Need vodka - I just do...


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