Life on Standby

"I don't think people are meant to be by themselves, that's why, if you actually find someone you care about... it's important to let go of the little things - even if you can't let go all the way. Because nothing sucks more than feeling all alone... no matter how many people are around you"

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Once a whore you're nothing more, i'm sorry, that'll never change

Spent the last couple of days doing silly jobs around the house. Dug up roots in the garden, had a major clean up etc etc When I was pulling some roots up a frog jumped out (My next door neighbour said there is loads, this is the first I have seen) and I poo'd my panties... I ran screaming like a character from a Scooby Doo cartoon!!!!! Then chilled, took a sip of vodka and took a photo...

Had a decent night down the town last night after going up the club. I kinda keep getting the impression that a certain young (21) female that I know is interested in me - so i'm probably wrong, I usually am!!

Woohoo, finally got my multigym all set up. The biggest job was the cabling cos if it's wrong, it just don't work. My office / gym area is now complete - I have cross trainer for aerobic stuff, weight bench with a good stack for heavy lifting and Multigym for all purpose use... now all I need is to stop drinking from dawn 'til dusk and hit the mofo like a beyotch... WORD!

Music has always been my passion, singing and writing and yet I have never had confidence in either. Last band rehearsal was Thursday and John, our drummer, was working away so we basically did our set list accousticly [sic] and surprisingly, well to me at least, it sounded well. The lead guitarist Rob played an acoustic, rythmn guitarist Graham played his normal guitar through the tiniest amp ever with an acoustic modeller on his pedal and bass player Gary played at the ,ost minimal volume his amp would allow. I sang with no mic and we worked on backing vocals and arrangements of the songs. I have a really good feeling about this band. We've been offered quite a few gigs, one playing at my local no less for a fund raising event for the clubs 50th anniversary... it's gonna be a sell out... scary!!!

My new love - I so want to meet her... awesome voice live as well! What can I say, redheads ROOL - for proof check out Carrie and Kathryn


At 7:38 am , Blogger carrie said...

aw. thanks


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