Three Little Words
Sacked my training partner off yesterday... a friend of over 15 years. I turned up at the gym, started working out and during the full workout, he said 4 words to me - can't be arsed with that! Will train at a different time, by myself.
Started on Deca and Sust again Sunday night, and now my leg is dead and hurting badly...
Was supposed to be doing three days work at The Great Yorkshire Show, security and first aid crap but I think I would struggle with the pain in my leg and lower back... so I skipped it!
Good hockey practice last night, really enjoyed it.
My nephew came round my pad last night before I went to hockey and stayed 'til about 3. His girlfriend, Charlotte, has something called Lupus and is not very well at all apparently - like all of this family, he's not taking it well when a significant other is not well.
I really need to get out with my camera and take some pictures. Been experimenting with depth of field today hence the picture below... /me like...