Life on Standby

"I don't think people are meant to be by themselves, that's why, if you actually find someone you care about... it's important to let go of the little things - even if you can't let go all the way. Because nothing sucks more than feeling all alone... no matter how many people are around you"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time never had a chance to heal your heart

Woke up to a clamouring noise this morning and looked out of my bedroom window to see...

Seems that the school opposite me is scheduled to be closed down in a further cost cutting exercise in education - coupled with the fact of the closure of several wings of the local hospital towards a possible shutdown, I wonder where the increasing taxes we pay are going to... oh yes, to pay for the third revamp of the Civic Centre in the last 5 years for no other reason than to waste money!

Hooked up with an ex girlfriends sister on Friday - I basically got a booty call at half past two in the morning. I know the reasoning behind it and despite we have 'semi' hooked up a couple of times before, this time I know it is because she is arguing with Vicky and realised she can use this against her - I have no ties to anyone, much less Vicky anymore and hey, I was feeling lonely.

Been let down with bass player for band - the little shit has refused to answer phonecalls or emails - I hate people who promise something then back out with no excuse.

Loving this so much - even though it makes me think of Stacey...

Getting right back into Jimmy Eat World again, think I need to go see them live again