It's funny when you find the words to say, you find no reply
Round two of the 'stone cold sober' experiment started 2 and a half days ago. I managed to get through it without the withdrawal symptoms this time. I need to do this because my health is getting worse...
My car went in for her test last week and failed. I cost me basically every single penny I had to get it roadworthy and road legal. Next project is to modify it to look a little different, and I hope that now i'm not spending every single penny on alcohol, I can do it.
When you have nothing it's easy not to care, because you have nothing to lose. Through alcoholism I lost a lot of money, friends, my health and very nearly my family. I know myself there is only so much help you can give someone, even siblings, before you give up and cut the cords.
Hands are worse these days, I was given the news last Doctors visit that the bone graft I had 4 years ago hasn't worked.
Traded some of my Xbox 360 games in yesterday. I went slightly mad when I got it and bought games I have only played once and either couldn't play, or didn't like. They gone now - All I really play is Call of Duty 4 online with friends - it's my social life :-S